On our 26th anniversary in Feb., the hubby pointed out that our marathon anniversary, 26.2 years, was May 11th. Since we really don’t need any excuse to plan a trip, I suggested we go somewhere fun we hadn’t been before. The Cayman Islands have been on my radar since I saw Tom Cruise in The Firm in the 90’s, so that’s where we decided to go.

We stayed at the Wyndham Reef Resort, on the East side of the island. We didn’t quite realize what that meant but we enjoyed the quieter, less busy part of the island. Seven Mile Beach, on the West side, is where most people go, so it’s far more crowded and touristy.

There was a bit of seaweed at our resort, but when we drove down to Seven Mile Beach, there wasn’t any seaweed. I’m not sure if it was because of the location, or because the resorts clear the water. We also went to Spotts Beach, where we’d read you could often see sea turtles. At first we didn’t see any, then we got stuck in a current, but on our way back in we saw a giant sting ray and THREE sea turtles. My day was made! We swam in, grabbed the phone to take some video, and saw a couple more sea turtles. Other than learning the iPhone 8 isn’t really water resistant in the ocean, oops, it was a fantastic day of snorkeling.

All around the island you could see roosters and chickens running around, we especially loved the little chicks at Spotts Beach. Although, be careful if you leave stuff on the beach, they peck at it!

Near where we stayed there was a blow hole, we got out and took some pics and enjoyed the sounds for a bit. It’s a fun little stop.

On our way out of town we enjoyed lunch at Big Tree BBQ. Had delicious jerk chicken and shrimp.

All in all, we loved our few days in the Caymans. With Southwest flying direct from Denver now, I bet we’ll be back sometime.