We knew we had a lot on our list for the day, so we started before the sun was up. We drove the few minutes to the Geysir, Strokkur, and waited for the show.

From here we drove on to Gullfoss. Being winter, it was freezing and super icy, but so worth the stop. We timed it to coincide with the cafe’s opening. After we took in the falls, we enjoyed the most expensive bowl of lamb soup. The warmth and the flavor were fabulous!

From there, we drove on to Kerio, the volcano crater. This was one of the few stops where you have to pay. But it’s not too pricey. It was really windy and we new we still had a lot to see, and it was slippery, so we just walked up, and came back down.

We had been told about Secret Lagoon but opted to get into Reykjavik a little sooner. Some people say it’s far better than Blue Lagoon, I’ll have to check it out for myself next time.

It’s such a great view of the city, and our daughter, who is a pilot, was ecstatic to see a small airport.

We enjoyed walking down Skolavordustigur and then connected with Laugavegur, lot’s of souvenirs and fun shops. We of course had to try some more Icelandic Hot Dogs. We stopped at Pylsuhusid Hot Dog House.

As well as the Hot Dog Shake and Pylsa Stand.
From here, we had a little time to kill so we drove out to Grotta Lighthouse. It was breezy but a nice little walk.

We forgot to pay attention to time, and traffic, so had to quickly leave to head out for our Lava Tunnel tour. We’d read that you could explore some lava tubes on your own but we opted for the safer version, even though it pricey. We fully enjoyed the tour though, and learned about volcanos as well.

We ended our time in Iceland at Guesthouse Gardur. We chose this spot because it was close to the water, and outside town, so we hoped we’d have another chance at seeing the northern lights. We got in late and had an early flight in the morning. But we decided on walking out to the water to watch the skies for a little. The northern lights tend to appear later at night so I was hopeful. As we sat on the rocks and watched the sky, you could make out just the slightest color. Walking back, we captured this shot of the Icelandic pony and the northern lights. What a glorious final night in Iceland!