We finally went to Cozumel! Having been to Playa del Carmen many times before, this was the first time we were going to Cozumel. We opted for the cheaper ferry, buying our tickets with Pesos when we got to the port. We ignored the people telling us it was too late to get our own rental and trip plans in Cozumel, and hoped for the best. As we suspected, there were plenty of rentals and we could make our own plan once we arrived.

We rented a little beater car which was perfect for the four of us. It started raining almost immediately but the snorkeling was still awesome!

Our first stop was Dzul-Ha. We just set our things on a rock and went in. It was pouring rain but the water was warm. We saw all kinds of fish.

From there we drove on to Palancar Beach. It was still raining but we went in for a little bit anyway. Once the lightening started, we went in.

From here we drove around the end of the island, the sun came out, and we stopped at Playa de San Martin where we enjoyed the sun and the waves.

By now, we were starving, so we returned the car, and thanks to the rental car local, enjoyed some amazing tacos at Fonda don Jose. We each had a bottled Coke, and about 4 tacos, for $14. AMAZING!

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