Denver Marathon. 26.2 long, hard arduous miles. Wow. We had a good friend ask if I wanted to run a half marathon that summer. Since I had just turned 32, I thought this was a great idea! I wasn’t getting any younger after all! This started a streak of crazy events that I may not ever return to. My husband, John, ended up joining me too. After we ran the half, I thought, hey, if I’m EVER going to run a FULL marathon, now’s the time, I’m halfway trained. The day I was set for a 18 mile training run, my husband John decided to jump in, and decided to sign up for the Marathon as well, and so did my bro in law Kenny. I was the last to come in, past the six hour mark, but the massive blister I had was my badge of honor! We also did a triathlon that summer, that ended up being duathlon because of lightning. We went on to run a couple more half marathons and John did a few more Marathons. One being the 2010 San Diego Marathon and then the 2011 NYC Marathon, which as a spectator, was amazing! Being done with the long distance running, I’d say it was an experience well worth it. But one I’m not setting out to do again. 🙂